art garfunkel also keeps a book list. in fact he's been keeping track of every book that he's read since 1968 and as of 2007 he was up to 1,023. in the past 4 years i've gotten to 135 and i hope that i can reach the 1,000 mark during my next 40 years. i'm working on creating a list of my favorites, but until then you can check out art's.
while searching for a nice garfunkel image i found the about picture which is from a performance piece by niall henn. henn, posing as garfunkel, encouraged the audience to choose books from garfunkel's favorites list for him to read aloud. visitors passed their selections up to garfunkel-henn, who rejected each in turn and instead read and re-read watership down by richard adams, which is, in fact, one of my favorite books of all time.
while searching for a nice garfunkel image i found the about picture which is from a performance piece by niall henn. henn, posing as garfunkel, encouraged the audience to choose books from garfunkel's favorites list for him to read aloud. visitors passed their selections up to garfunkel-henn, who rejected each in turn and instead read and re-read watership down by richard adams, which is, in fact, one of my favorite books of all time.
{found at ruffly}
awhile ago, there was a little article in the new yorker about this...found it: