have a happy holiday weekend everybody! i'll be back on monday with my 200th post! crazy!
men don't protect you anymore.

headline shirts?

cnn is now offering some of their more wacky headlines on t-shirts. genius idea or celebration of the moronic downturn of society?? you decide!
working hard.

this is a busy week for me at work. i have a pretty lax job {hence all the posting} but about once every two months it gets a little crazy. hopefully next week i'll be back to posting about more thrilling items that will fulfill and enrich your life.
{poster by andy smith}
candy quiz.

i did better on this candy bar identification quiz than i care to admit, although some of them are pretty tricky. besides, what the heck is a goo goo cluster?
r.i.p. major garland briggs.
don davis passed away on sunday. he was best known [to me] as bobby's father major briggs on twin peaks and one of my favorite characters. best voice. best tv dad. best beacon of ultimate good. sad to see him go, but i know that he's hanging out in the white lodge right now.