
extruded plastic dingus.

images from the coen brother's the hudsucker proxy.


practice makes perfect.

i've been writing a lot of letters lately, mostly using my trusty typewriter. my handwriting is pretty bad. well it will start out nice, but about two sentences in it gets sloppy and crooked. i need these cute handwriting exercise books from kiosk to relearn those perfect ps and qs!

saelee oh.

i can't remember where or how i found out about her, but i love the artwork of saelee oh.


cris loves cake.

cris suprised me with his new tattoo. whoa.

ugh. republicans.

i can't even say anything about the speeches given by giuliani and palin tonight at the rnc without wanting to punch straight through my computer screen. HOWEVER, these 10 seconds made watching the whole thing at least the tiniest bit worthwhile. piper 4 prez.


two views.

the first picture is of savannah's city hall. it's got a golden dome and i really wish that it had come out in the picture, but i think that it was too bright out. i still find it so strange that i live in a place where there are palm trees! the sign was pointing down an alley. across the street there was a man painting a house and i really wanted to take a picture of him, but i got too shy and now i really wish that i had. when are they going to invent glasses that take a picture of things that you want to remember forever? i always just say in my mind "i want to remember this forever" but when i try to recall those images i can't. maybe someday.



as soon as i saw graphic thought facility's project for habitat, i immediately thought of the album cover for power, corruption & lies by new order. i think that peter saville and henri fantin-latour did it way, way better.


letters from morrissey.

Dear person,

So nice to know there's another soul out there, even if it
is in Glasgow. Does being Scottish bother you? Manchester is a lovely place, if you happen to be a bedridden deaf mute. I'm unhappy, hope you're unhappy too.

In poverty,

in 1981 a guy named roberts mackie was pen-pals with a guy named steven patrick morrissey. sometime in the late '80s mr. mackie photocopied the letters into a fanzine called "words by morrissey", which he then made available to anyone for the cost of postage. they are currently and kindly reposted, with drawings, on this blog.

buoyancy of citrus.

happy labor day everyone! i wish that i was floating in a sea of limeade.

{illustration by ian digman!}