in 2005 i made a concerted effort to try and read more books. since then i've been keeping track of every single book i've read. my goal was to read 50 books in one year, which has proved waaaay harder to do than i had thought. however, this year i might actually make it! i think what has helped is that if i start a book and i'm not 'into it' i stop and find something else to read {except for maybe ulysses, which after about 200 pages in was a bit of a struggle} right now i'm about half way through east of eden and i'm really enjoying it. unfortunately i don't have too much free time these days to sit and read, but those few moments i do get to read a bit are really restoring. any suggestions to help me get to 50 by december 31st are welcome and appreciated!
{image from anton bielousov}